Jij Inc. is thrilled to announce the release of its new open-source software, "minto," on February 19, 2024. This tool streamlines complex workflows, making the setup, execution, and monitoring of optimization experiments easier. By efficiently managing the diverse data generated during the process of mathematical optimization experiments, minto enhances the productivity of all players in the field of mathematical optimization.Key Features of minto:minto elevates optimization experiments to a new level through its key features:Easy Logging with Context Management: Utilizing with statements allow for the easy logging of not only scalar values but also complex data types. Even when optimization solvers yield solutions in different formats, minto enables a unified interpretation of these solutions through custom-defined schemas.Analyzing Experiment Logs with the .table Method: Outputs experiment logs as pandas DataFrames, simplifying statistical processing.Simple Saving and Sharing of Experiment Results (in future updates): Results can be easily saved with the save method and retrieved with the load method.How to Use:minto can be easily installed using the command pip install minto.Tutorials:To facilitate the adoption and utilization of minto, we provide detailed tutorials.View the tutorial: https://jij-inc.github.io/minto/whatisminto/Community and Support:The development and proliferation of minto rely on the support of an active community. Jij has prepared a [Discord] community for this purpose. We welcome your feedback and questions.Stay updated with the latest updates and seminar information on Discord. We look forward to your participation!Developer Comment:We are delighted to release minto as a beta version today. This step marks an important milestone towards evolving into a more stable version.We are committed to stabilizing and enhancing minto's features daily. Look forward to more convenient feature updates, making mathematical optimization experiments more efficient and enjoyable for all mathematical optimization players.If you find minto helpful, please consider starring our project page on GitHub. Your support greatly motivates us.Anticipate minto's future growth!Visit the repository: https://github.com/Jij-Inc/MINTO-PublicJoin Our Discord Community: https://discord.com/invite/Km5dKF9JjG